Sunday, February 25, 2018

We Need Gun Control

Most of the civilized nation have workable gun control. We are one of the only countries where we say "screw the kids, I want my gun". We should definitely ban the sale and ownership of assault weapons. No one needs a automatic weapon to go hunting, the only use for such weapons is to kill large numbers of people.

I personally would ban all guns. Set up certified gun ranges where anyone could shoot anything one wants. Hunters could go the police station and check out their gun with ammunition. After the hunting trip the gun and spent or unused cartridges would be returned to the police station. Hunters could buy a bolt action gun and have it delivered to their nearest police station.

I can hear the cry from the NRA, but is it better to have safe children or to own a gun? I vote for children and the thousands of innocent people that are killed or injured by guns.

Will this ever happen in the USA? No, we will just get use to mass shootings and blame it on mental health.